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Door State Notifications (DSN) SOP


Door State Notifications will send notifications to subscribed Property Managers for the following Door States:

  • Door Ajar: The door is held open for an extended period of time.
    • Time period is configurable between 30, 60, and 90 seconds.
  • Door Still Ajar
    • Time period is configurable between 5, 10, and 15 minutes.
    • This notification is repeatedly sent at this interval until the door is closed.
  • Door Breached: The door is forced open.
    • When the door is opened from the outside without a valid credential.
  • Door Secured: The door is closed after any of the above Door States.


  • An Internet connection to the reader is required for Door State Notifications.
  • All egress sensors and door contact sensors need to have dry contact outputs that are compatible with the Latch R.
  • DSN can only be configured after the Activation process is complete. It is not part of the Activation flow.

Forced Entry alerts sensor requirements: Egress sensor and door contact
Door Ajar alerts only sensor requirements: Door contact

Wiring requirements

Figure 1:



Refer to the installation guide for termination requirements. 


  • When IO1 is configured to ‘Unlock + Egress Sensor,’ an egress sensor/REX that is connected to IO1 will unlock the door in addition to feeding a signal to the Door State Notifications feature.
  • When IO2 is configured to ‘Egress Sensor,’ an egress sensor/REX that is connected to IO2 will NOT unlock the door. It will only feed a signal to the Door State Notifications feature.
  • All devices that can unlock the door from the exterior, such as an intercom, must also be wired into the Latch R and that IO must be configured to “Unlock”. Otherwise, when the door is unlocked by this other device, it will register as a forced entry.
  • Motion detectors must be set to the duration they are expected to leave the door unlocked per motion event, such as 5 seconds or 10 seconds. Otherwise the door may relock prior to a person reaching the door.

Configuring DSN

 1.   In the Latch Manager App, select ‘Settings.’
 2.   Select the appropriate ‘Relay Configuration’ and ‘Relock time’ for this entrance.
 3.   Enable Ethernet. If an internet connection is not available, Door State Notifications must be  disabled after testing.
 4.   If Door Ajar Notifications is desired at this entrance, select Door Ajar Notifications:
       a.   Toggle Door Ajar Notifications to enable.
       b.   Select how long the door must be held open until the Door Ajar Notification is created: 30, 60, or 120 seconds.
       c.   Select how long the door must be held open until the Door Still Ajar Notification is created. This will send repeated notifications at the selected time interval until the door is closed. Choose from 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
 5.   If Forced Entry Notifications is desired at this entrance, toggle it.
       a.   Forced Entry Notifications sends an alert when the door is opened from the outside without a valid credential.
 6.   Configure the IOs for the sensors:
       a.   IO1
             i.   Unlock Only: Only unlocks the door. The signal is not fed into the DSN feature.
             ii.   Unlock + egress sensors: Unlocks the door and tracks egress. Used when egress sensor needs to also unlock the door.
             iii.  Disabled: The R does not respond to any inputs.
             iv.  Select the type of sensor: Normally open or normally closed.
       b.   IO2
             i.    Unlock Only: Only unlocks the door. The signal is not fed into the DSN feature.
             ii.   Egress sensor: Only tracks egress; does not unlock. Used when egress sensor should not unlock the door.
             iii.  Disabled: The R does not respond to any inputs.
             iv.  Select the type of sensor: Normally open or normally closed.
       c.   IO3
             i.    Unlock Only: Only unlocks the door. The signal is not fed into the DSN feature.
             ii.   Door Contact Sensor: Used to determine if the door is open or not. Feeds into the DSN feature.
             iii.  Disabled: The R does not respond to any inputs.
             iv.  Select the type of sensor: Normally open or normally closed.
             v.   Automatic Relock on Door Open: Automatically locks the door when the door is opened, overriding the Relay Relock time when appropriate. 

Testing DSN with Internet

Please refer to Figure 2 for 'Internet Status' and 'Door State.'

 1.   Check that the R has an internet connection. 
       a.   Go to the Lock and check the 'Internet Status.' It must be one of the following: 
Ethernet Connected, WiFi Connected, or Ethernet and WiFi connected.
 2.   Test the Door Contact Sensor. 
       a.   Make sure that the door is closed.
Confirm that the Door State says Door Secure.
Open the door and hold it for the duration of Door Ajar Timer that was set during configuration.
Leave the Device Detail page and enter it again to refresh the Device Status fields. If the Door Contact Sensor is connected and configured properly, Door State will change to Door Ajar.
Test the Egress Sensor (if an Egress Sensor is installed).
Disable Door Ajar Notifications. Make sure to enable it once the test is complete.
Ensure that the Door State is Door Secure.
Make sure Forced Entry is not falsely triggered.  
             i.     Open the door and keep the door wide open.
Leave the Device Detail page and enter it again to refresh the Device Status fields. Check to see that the last door state is door secured.
Make sure Forced Entry is properly triggered.
Fail Safe locking hardware: Disconnect the power for the locking hardware only. The relay configuration can also be changed to normally open. Make sure to change it back once the test is completed.
                   1.   Open the door, making sure not to activate the Egress Sensor.
                   2.   Keep the door wide open.
                   3.   Leave the Device Detail page and enter it again to refresh the Device Status
                   4.   If the Door State changes to Door Breached, then the configuration and the
                        wiring has been done correctly.
If the relay configuration was changed for this test, change it back.

             ii.     Fail Secure locking hardware: Apply constant power to the locking hardware only. The relay configuration can also be changed to normally closed. Make sure to change it back once the test is completed.
                   1.   Open the door, making sure not to activate the egress sensor.
                   2.   Keep the door wide open.
                   3.   Leave the Device Detail page and enter it again to refresh the Device Status
                   4.   If the Door State changes to Door Breached, then the configuration and the
                        wiring has been done correctly.
                   5.   If the relay configuration was changed for this test, change it back.

              iii.     Fail Secure locking hardware: Apply constant power to the locking hardware only. The relay configuration can also be changed to normally closed. Make sure to change it back once the test is completed.
                   1.   Open the door, making sure not to activate the egress sensor.
                   2.   Keep the door wide open.
                   3.   Leave the Device Detail page and enter it again to refresh the Device Status fields.
                   4.   If the Door State changes to Door Breached, the configuration and wiring are correct.
                   5.   If the relay configuration was changed for this test, change it back.

       e.   If Door Ajar Notifications was disabled for testing, re-enable it. 

Figure 2:



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