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Fanvil Installation Instructions

Fanvil i10D Configuration


  1. Please work with your Internet Service Provider to obtain a Static IP and configure your Property’s Network to use Static IP. All Fanvil extensions must be connected to a network using Static IP. Please communicate this IP with Latch Support prior to proceeding to Step 2.
  2. Connect the Fanvil to Latch’s PBX Server.
  3. Unscrew the Fanvil top.
  4. Connect the Fanvil to power and ethernet.
  5. Rescrew the Fanvil top / Mount the device.
  6. Press and hold the Call button on the Fanvil for approx 5 seconds.
  7. Once a noise starts playing tap the Call button again.
  8. The Fanvil will say its IP address.
  9. While on the same network as that Fanvil, type the IP address into your laptop's browser 8. Login with username and password both as “admin."
  10. Now go to the Line section from the left menu and input the information generated from when you created the Extension in the FreePBX Console. The extension number is the username and the secret is the password. The Server Address is and Server Port is 5060. The expected transport protocol is UDP. Click Apply. 
  11. If all of the information was correctly entered then you should see the Line Status become Registered after refreshing. 
  12. Go to Basic Settings and make sure Auto-Answering is OFF.
  13. Go to the Function Key section in the left menu. Under Function Key Settings create a DSS Key that is of type DTMF, name it Unlock DTMF, set the value to 9, then click Apply. 
  14. Under Programmable Key Settings, set Key 2 to the DSS Key you just created (named Unlock DTMF) in the Desktop and Talking Column. Click Apply. 
  15. Ask Latch Support to assign this Fanvil's PBX Extension or SIP URI to the Unit. Alternatively, this can be done in Latch Manager if you have the right permissions. 
  16. Go into Manager Web and link the SIP URI to the desired unit. The SIP URI should be “sip:<EXTENSION>@” . This is often referred to as the Indoor Intercom Number in our system.

This can also be done in bulk via a CSV import.

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