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Adding Residents to the Latch Intercom

Adding residents to the Latch Intercom is simple with Latch Mission Control. To show up in the Intercom, residents must:

1. Given a Key that Contains a door paired to a Latch Intercom:

Given a Key that contains a door paired to a Latch Intercom. For example, an ‘All Residents’ Key' containing ‘Front Door’ will have a Latch Intercom paired with it. A door that has an intercom paired with it will have a blue badge labeled ‘+Intercom.’

2. Be added to a Digital Unit:

A digital unit is distinct from door access, though they are often named similar to a residential door. You can add a Unit to a resident during the invite flow or from the person detail view under ‘People.’ See the below section on Adding Units for more information about how to complete this step.

3. Have ‘Display in Intercom’ toggled on.

You can manage display preferences for individual users during the invite flow or from the person detail view under ‘People.’

Adding Units

If your property has Units turned on, you can add Units by navigating to ‘Access’ in Latch Mission Control and clicking on ‘Units.’ From there, you can tap ‘Actions’ to ‘Add a Unit’ or ‘Reorder Units.’ You can either add units one-by-one or import a .CSV file of all units at once. If you are not able to access Units and you would like to add them to your building, please contact us at

Customizing the Intercom Directory

The Latch Intercom directory can be customized to better serve your property's needs.

Featured Entry

Featured Entry for Latch Intercom allows properties to create and feature up to three entries at the top of Latch Intercom for prominent placement. This is a great option for entries like 'Leasing Office' or 'Property Manager.'  


How to add a new Featured Entry for Latch Intercom:

  1. Login to Latch Mission Control.
  2. Navigate to 'Manage Settings' and select 'Intercom Settings' from the dropdown.
  3. In the 'Featured Entries' section, click 'Actions.'
  4. Add up to three Featured Entries for your Intercom.

Note: You cannot move previously created units to featured entries. These featured entries are to be set up as new.

How to reorder Featured Entries for Latch Intercom:

  1. Login to Latch Mission Control.
  2. Navigate to 'Manage Settings' and select 'Intercom Settings' from the dropdown.
  3. In the 'Featured Entries' section, click 'Actions.'
  4. Use the 'Reorder' button to reorder Featured Entries.

Reordering Units in the Latch Intercom Directory

You can reorder how Units show on the intercom by navigating to ‘Access’ and then select the section ‘Units.’ From there, you can tap on ‘Actions’ and then ‘Reorder.’ Then simply drag and drop the Units to rearrange them.

Hiding Units from the Latch Directory

You can manage which Units show on each intercom by navigating to the door that is paired with the Intercom and tapping ‘Intercom’ in the door detail view. Then, tap ‘Actions’ and ‘Hide Units’ to manage which Units are visible.

Using Intercom Flexibility

Intercom flexibility allows you to customize Directory settings, such as how names appear

  1. Log into Latch Mission Control
  2. Navigate to the Property Settings menu and choose the Intercom Settings page
  3. To change the format in which names are shown in the intercom directory, choose your preferred style from the Name Format dropdown menu
  4. To disable custom names for residents of the property, uncheck the box in the Custom Names section. 
  5. Click “Save Changes” to save all changes. Allow one hour for the intercom directory to update.

Intercom is displaying 'Empty Directory'

Your intercom will show ‘Empty Directory’ when it hasn’t been able to download the Unit and resident list from the Latch Cloud. This can happen if you haven’t added Units to your building or if the intercom cannot connect to the internet.  If this occurs, check your intercom's internet connection within Latch Mission Control.

Intercom brightness and volume

The Latch Intercom’s brightness and volume are carefully calibrated during manufacturing to suit most outdoor environments. If you would like to change either the brightness or volume, contact Latch Support ( to assist in remotely changing these settings.