In order to ensure residents’ privacy at their apartment doors, Latch Mission Control requires property managers to assign resident status to a key holder when adding a key to their account. For any key that a user is not a resident, Mission Control will designate them as a non-resident. We also note that regardless of resident status, activity by accounts with property management permissions will be visible at all residence doors.
May Share Key
Regardless of a user’s type (resident or not), a property manager can also determine whether that user can share their keys with guests or services of their own.
If a user is designated non-resident for a key, their logs on private doors contained within that key will be visible in Mission Control. This designation has no impact on public doors which default to making logs visible. To comply with Latch’s Terms of Service, Latch’s Privacy Policy, and any applicable laws and regulations, please ensure that all of your residents are assigned accordingly for their residence/private doors.
Editing a User Type
If a user’s role to a specific key changes, managers can select this individual within the ‘People’ tab, and edit their role by selecting any of their keys, and pressing edit. To ensure residents’ privacy, Managers should ensure their residents’ roles for their private doors are always set to 'resident.'