The Unit Sync integration is a vital feature of Latch's ePMS integration, designed to streamline the management of residents' units within Latch.
With Unit Sync, property managers can automate the assignment of residents to their respective Latch units, based on the information available in their Property Management System (PMS).
This support article will guide you through the process of mapping your PMS units to their corresponding Latch units in Mission Control, ensuring a smooth integration experience.
FAQs: Unit Sync Integration
Q: What does the Unit Sync integration do?
A: The Unit Sync integration automates the process of assigning residents to their respective Latch units based on their corresponding assignments in the Property Management System (PMS). It ensures that residents are accurately and seamlessly linked to their designated Latch units without manual intervention.
Q: How do I enable the Unit Sync integration?
A: The Unit Sync integration is enabled automatically once you activate the User Sync integration. There is no separate action required to turn it on.
Q: How can I disable the Unit Sync integration?
A: To disable the Unit Sync integration, please send an email to Our support team will assist you with the request.
Q: How do I create Latch units?
A: To create Latch units, follow these steps:
Log in to Mission Control.
Navigate to the Manage Units screen.
In the Manage Units screen, click on "Actions" and select "Add Unit".
You can create a single unit by entering the necessary details or choose to bulk create units using a CSV file.
Q: How can I bulk import my PMS units to Latch?
A: To bulk import your PMS units to Latch, please send an email to Our dedicated integrations team will assist you throughout the process of importing your PMS units into Latch.
Q: How do I map my PMS units to Latch units?
A: To map your PMS units to Latch units, follow these steps:
Log in to Mission Control.
Click on "Manage Settings" and select "Integrations."
In the Integrations section, click on the blue "Manage Settings" button and go to the Unit Mapping tab.
Locate each PMS unit and select the corresponding Latch unit from the available options.
Q: Can I remove a mapping between a PMS unit and a Latch unit?
A: Yes, you can remove a mapping between a PMS unit and a Latch unit by following these steps:
In the Unit Mapping tab of the Integrations section, click on the blue "Edit" button next to the mapping you wish to remove.
Then, click on the "Remove Mapping" option to unlink the PMS unit from the Latch unit.
Q: I have additional questions or need further assistance. What should I do?
A: If you have any other questions or require further assistance with the Unit Sync integration, please reach out to our support team at They will be happy to help you with your inquiries.