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Replacement Parts

Latch T replacement parts are available off the shelf as follows:

  • 4 AA batteries (Off the shelf)
  • Alcohol wipe (Off the shelf)
  • Wall Anchor (Off the shelf)
  • Mounting Screw (Off the shelf)
  • Installation Key (Off the shelf)
  • Set Screw (Off the shelf)
  • Cable Clips (Off the Shelf)

If you require replacement parts for the Latch T body, satellite, and coil assembly or backplate, please get in touch with Latch Support at

Removing Latch T Mounting Plate

Because the Latch T mounting plate can be installed with VHB, removing the mounting plate will require certain tools and procedures. These instructions have been provided by 3M, the manufacturer of the VHB tape utilized.

Tools needed before getting started:

  1. Hairdryer
  2. Gloves
  3. Flat blade screwdriver, putty knife or ice scraper
  4. Plastic scraper, Box cutter, or razor blade
  5. 3M Adhesive Remover (citrus base) or Goo-Gone adhesive remover
  6. Clean towels

Step one

  • Heat up the adhesive as much as possible: Set the hairdryer to max heat while aiming the hairdryer towards a tape edge(between the wall and the device) for 90 seconds.

Step two

  • Remove the device from the wall: While wearing gloves, begin pulling the device out from the wall gently. The adhesive will gradually begin to split apart/pull away from the wall.
  • Continue pulling slowly, the adhesive will begin to separate more and more until the device is fully removed from the wall. If you’re having trouble with this step, repeat step one (reheat the adhesive) and try again.
  • In addition to heating and stretching the adhesive, you can use a box cutter or razor blade to cut through the adhesive while continuously pulling the shelf away from the wall.


Step Three

  • Clean the wall surface: After the device is removed, use citrus-based 3M Adhesive Remover or Goo-Gone to soften any remaining adhesive residue.
  • Use a plastic scraper (or a razor blade for very flat surfaces) and a clean towel to help remove the remaining residue. You may need to repeat step three a few times (spraying, soaking, scraping, and wiping) to completely remove the adhesive residue.

Latch T Compatibility

Latch T compatibility is currently based on 2 constraints; physical compatibility, and frequency compatibility. Physical compatibility requires that the Latch T satellite can be attached with adhesion to the surface of the legacy reader. You may need to use the temporary adhesive to find the correct location for the satellite as different readers have different placement requirements. Latch T’s frequency compatibility is with low-frequency (125khz) readers, if your device is high frequency, it will not work.

Latch T Credential Set Up

In order to finish the installation of the Latch T, you will need to ensure you utilize the Latch Manager App installation flow to:

  • Scan the QR code on the device
  • Assign the device to a door or create a new one
  • Program the Latch T with a legacy credential
  • Test unlock

To program with a legacy credential you’ll need to use your legacy system to program a single and individual credential per Latch T for the existing reader. If you do not know how to do this, we recommend contacting your onsite system administrator, or local installer as they will know which system you utilize. You will need to program with a credential and facility id. Please ensure you program it with an operational credential or the Latch T will not be able to operate.

The test unlock will attempt to translate this credential to the existing legacy reader. Please look for a successful response from the reader and attempt to open your door after the test unlocks. If you run into any issues, please contact your onsite system administrator to ensure you are programming the correct credential.