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Setting up the iOS Widget

iOS Widget

Latch has three different iOS widgets available: the Lock Screen, Concierge, and Access widget. Each widget is designed to allow users to utilize their preferred Latch services and experiences with ease. For information on how to set up widgets, please see this article from Apple.

Access Widget

The Access widget comes in three different sizes (small, medium and large) and allows you to place a widget on your home screen with your preferred doors. Once the Access Widget is set up, selecting a door will open the Latch App and initiate an unlock. With the Home Screen Access Widget, you are able to unlock your doors more quickly and set up pathways of your preferred doors that you utilize on a regular basis. The small widget allows you to have one door selected, the medium widget allows you to have up to three doors, and the large widget allows you to have up to ten doors at hand. You can configure which doors are shown in the widget by navigating to your Latch App, selecting the menu on the top left-hand side, and selecting 'widget'.

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Lock Screen Widget

The Lock Screen widget allows iOS users to place a widget on their customized lock screen. For information on how to add a Lock Screen widget please see this article from Apple.


The Lock Screen widget allows you to press the widget and open the Latch App directly from your lock screen. You will need to ensure your phone is unlocked with FaceID or your personal PIN in order to navigate. While an unlock does not initiate immediately upon the app opening, you can proceed to use Hold Near to Unlock to immediately start unlocking your doors.

Concierge Widget

The Concierge Widget puts additional Latch services directly on your Home Screen. This widget smartly updates to put the best Latch services that are available to you on your screen. Services that are available are in some cases decided by the building you live in, and your eligibility for specific pilots. By pressing on any of these services in the Concierge widget, it will bring you to that service directly in the Latch App (the hierarchy in which services are displayed cannot be customized at this time).


Setting up the Widget

1. Open your Latch App and click on navigate to the Main Menu (sandwich bars on the top left of your screen).


2. Select 'Widget' from the list and fill out the blank spaces for the Small, Medium, and Large widgets with the doors you want displayed as shortcuts. Save the changes.


3. Follow the steps in this article to add the Latch Widget to your Home Screen and this article to add the Widget to your Lock Screen as well!

Creating your Latch Account and Downloading the Latch App

Once your Latch device has been installed (link to install) and your account has been created through the management platform, Latch Mission Control, you’re all set to begin using your Latch App and Latch Device.

If this is your first time receiving Latch access, you’ll receive a Latch invitation e-mail to guide you through creating your password and finishing setting up your Latch account (otherwise, you’ll see the doors added directly to your existing Latch account).

Downloading the Latch App

When you’ve created your password, download then open the Latch App (iOS, Android) and log in using your new password. You'll want to ensure your Bluetooth and Location services are toggled 'On' and that you've enabled permissions for the Latch App to access both. 

Supported and Recommended Phones

If you do not see the Latch App in the United States App Store or Play Store, your device may not be fully supported and you may encounter reduced functionality.

Supported iOS Devices

Latch App is currently supported on devices running iOS 13 and above. Please refer to Apple’s Supported iPhone Models for more device information.

Supported Android Devices

Latch App is supported on devices running Android 6 and above. While the Latch App is available on many Android devices, we recommend Samsung flagship models and Google Pixel devices. 

Introduction to the Latch App

The Latch App provides you with the opportunity to unlock your door(s), let in guests, view activity history, and optimize your Latch device’s performance. When you log in to the Latch App, you'll see the menu on the top left-hand side, Concierge on the top right-hand side, and My Spaces or My Doors (depending on certain features of your property). 

  • Latch Concierge: Your one-stop shop to access certain features, like inviting guests, booking spaces at your property, as well as contacting Latch Support, and finding additional support resources.
  • Menu: Selecting the menu on the top left-hand side will open a section where you can find your doorcodes, manage guests, view your history, and view/change certain settings.
  • My Doors/Spaces: Swiping up on My Doors or My Spaces will show the doors you've been granted access to and any smart devices associated with them. Selecting each door will provide additional details and maintenance options.
  • Red Dot: A red dot on a door indicates the battery is below 15% or a Firmware Upgrade is available for that door.


Re-ordering your Doors

To change the order your doors appear in the Latch App, simply open the Latch App and select 'Reorder' from the top right-hand corner. Use the three lines on the right-hand side of each door to set your preferred order. Once complete, select 'Done,' located in the top right-hand corner.




Changing your Password while logged in to the Latch App

If you are logged into the Latch App and would like to change your password, please follow the steps below.

  1. Select the menu (three lines in the top left-hand corner).
  2. Select 'Settings,' choose 'My Profile', and 'Change Password.'
  3. Once you input the current and new password (Please make sure your password is at least 8 characters long but no more than 1024 characters long), select 'Done.'

If you've forgotten your password or aren't able to log in, please review the steps in this article.

Door Updates, Firmware Upgrades, and Battery Life

The Latch App allows you to perform certain functions to help optimize the performance of your Latch device or specific features. To view details about and ensure the best performance of your Latch device, navigate to your door and tap the door name. From there, you'll see the below options:

  • Access Time: This will provide the start and end date/time of your access. 
  • Device Details: This section will share your device Model, Firmware Version, and Battery Level. The best way to ensure your battery reading is up to date is to perform a manual update. 
  • Update: To perform a manual door update on your device, select 'Update,' then tap the blue 'Update' button. Note that the date/time of the Last Update may reflect a passive update (instead of a complete manual update); to ensure your history and battery readings are current, we recommend performing a manual update from time to time. 
  • History: This section will show the available History for this door.
  • Add to Widget: This section allows you to set up the Latch Widget.


What are Door Updates?

Door updates pull the most recent information available from a Latch device (such as access logs and battery percentage) and push any relevant updates to the device (such as access credentials that have been added or revoked from the device via the Latch App or Latch Mission Control). Therefore, doors without an internet connection require an update:

  1. Any time access to the device is revoked.
  2. When a user with access to the door activates a keycard.
  3. If a user is granted Latch App access to the door, but plans to use their doorcode (and does not intend to use the Latch App first).
  4. If you would like to see the most recent activity logs from the device in the Latch App or Latch Mission Control. 
  5. If you would like to see the most up-to-date battery reading in the Latch App, Latch Mission Control, or the Latch Manager App.

What are Firmware Upgrades?

Firmware Upgrades offer numerous optimizations and improvements to Latch device performance, functions, and overall security. A red dot on a door indicates the battery is below 15% or a Firmware Upgrade is available for that door.
Residents can now upgrade select Latch M, eGenius powered by Latch, and C2 devices through their Latch App. The Latch Manager App is needed to upgrade other device types (if you do not manage your own Latch device please contact your property management team for assistance). 

Will I receive an alert about low battery? 

While you won't receive an alert about low battery, as noted above, a red dot on a door indicates the battery is below 15% or a Firmware Upgrade is available. If you manage your own Latch device, you'll want to change the batteries or, if you do not manage your Latch device, we recommend contacting your property management team to request they change the batteries (see the Changing Batteries article for steps).


Inviting Guests and Revoking Guest Access

It's easy to invite and manage your guests within the Latch App. To do so, tap 'Concierge' in the top right-hand corner of your Latch App followed by 'Let Someone In.' Next, choose the type of Guest Access you'd like to provide. 



Sending and Revoking Latch App Access

To grant Latch App access (which will send your Guests an invitation via e-mail to download and use the Latch App), follow these steps:

  • Tap 'Concierge' in the top right-hand corner of your Latch App followed by 'Let Someone In.'
  • Select 'Send App Access.'
  • Select the Doors you want to provide access to.
  • Click ‘Next.’
  • Choose a start time. You can select start times up to one year in the future.
  • If you’d like to set a time to end access, toggle the ‘Set end time’ button.
  • Select an end time.
  • If you do not select an end time, your guest will have permanent access until you revoke it and perform a door update at your door.
  • Select ‘Next.’
  • Enter your guest's information (you can only send the Latch App via email).
  • If you'd like to invite multiple guests, select 'Add guest' 
  • If it's a service order and you'd like to add notes related to the visit, toggle on 'Is this a Service Order.'
  • Select ‘Next.’
  • Review all the information to ensure it is correct.
  • Select 'Send'
  • If successful, you will receive a ‘Success’ message and your guest will receive an email from with their login details. Guests should set their password for their Latch account and then download the Latch App and sign in.  Once signed in, your guest will be able to use the Latch App the same way you do.
  • Note: If your guest plans to use the doorcode (provided with their Guest Access and visible to them within the Latch App) a door update will need to be performed before their visit. The door will automatically be updated if your guest performs an unlock using their Latch App, but is needed before their doorcode will be synced to the Latch device.

To revoke your guest's Latch App access, follow these steps:

  • Select the menu on the top left-hand side of the Latch App.
  • Select 'Manage Guests.'
  • Choose the guest whose access you'd like to revoke.
  • Select 'Revoke Access' at the bottom of the screen and confirm your selection.
  • Perform a door update on your door (if the Latch device is a residence door or is not internet connected (if a communal door) the access will not be removed until a door update is performed).

Sending Doorcodes (cannot be revoked)

Daily doorcodes can be sent to temporary guests for either the rest of the day (expiring tonight at midnight) or tomorrow at midnight with the option of expiring 15 minutes after first use. To grant a daily doorcode:

  • Tap 'Concierge' in the top right-hand corner of your Latch App followed by 'Let Someone In.'
  • Choose 'Send doorcode' and select the Doors you want to provide access to.
  • Tap 'Today' if you'd like the doorcode to expire at midnight tonight or tomorrow if you'd like it to start at Midnight (12 AM) tonight and expire at midnight tomorrow (24 hr access).
  • Importantly, because you cannot revoke daily doorcodes, choose whether you'd like the doorcode to expire 15 minutes after first use.
  • Enter your guest's information (you can send daily doorcodes via text message or e-mail).
  • If you'd like to invite multiple guests, select 'Add guest' 
  • If it's a service order and you'd like to add notes related to the visit, toggle on 'Is this a Service Order.'

Note: Extending the deadbolt on Latch M disables daily or 15 minute Doorcodes from being used until it is retracted.



Unlocking your Doors

With Latch, there are multiple ways to unlock your doors, giving you the ability to use the one that works best for you.*

Latch App Unlock via Bluetooth

Hold Near to Unlock

For both iOS and Android users, the Latch App will perform an unlock via Bluetooth near any door you have access to and have the Latch App open. To initiate an unlock, simply open the Latch App, hold the phone close to the black Latch Lens on the device, and the Latch App will automatically find and unlock the right Door. 

There are additional Hold Near to Unlock settings available for Android users:

  • If your Latch App is unlocking from too far away, navigate to 'My Profile' in the left menu and change the 'Unlock distance' to 'Near' instead of 'Nearest.'

  • If the Latch App is not unlocking when you hold your phone up to it, navigate to 'My Profile' in the left menu, ensure 'Hold Near to Unlock' is on and, if needed, change the 'Unlock distance' to 'Nearest.'

  • You can turn off Hold Near to Unlock by navigating to 'My Profile' in the left menu.

Tap to Unlock

You may also initiate a Bluetooth unlock in the Latch App via the blue 'Unlock' button. To do so, open your Latch App, swipe up on My Spaces/Doors, select the door you'd like to open, and tap the blue 'Unlock' button. 


When property managers enable doorcodes for a specific door, users who have access to that door receive a doorcode they can use as another unlock method. Doorcodes are unique and created directly by Latch, and no two users at a single property will ever be granted the same doorcode for a given door or set of communal doors. As you are the only one who is given a specific doorcode, it's important not to share the doorcodes in your Latch App (see the section on inviting guests for additional information on sharing access).

Note: Changing doorcodes for communal doors requires manager assistance. For security purposes, we do not recommend sharing your personal doorcodes. To provide guest access, please use the steps in this article on letting a guest in.

Where can I find my doorcodes?

To view your doorcodes, you'll need to be logged in to the Latch App. Once logged in, select the menu on the top left-hand side, and choose 'My Doorcodes.' 

Performing a doorcode unlock

While at the Latch device, to enter a doorcode, simply tap the lens of the device to illuminate the LEDS and using the pad of your finger enter your doorcode.

  • Enter each subsequent digit within five seconds. The Latch device will timeout and erase your entry if you do not enter a digit after five seconds. This is to ensure that if you get one wrong, you can try again.

  • Tap the digit with the pad of your finger to ensure the Latch Lens registers your finger. Ensure one of the circular status LEDs light up every time you input a digit.

  • If a status LED does not light up after you input a digit, it means your finger was not detected. After entering all seven digits, the circular status LEDs should make a full circle to indicate the unlock is successful. If the Lens flashes twice, you may have entered the doorcode incorrectly or the device may not be updated (for steps on how to update your door, please see this article). If the lens' LED's turn off, please attempt your doorcode again as the lens has likely timed out.

There are two types of doorcodes, Residence Doorcodes and Communal Doorcodes.

Residence Doorcodes

For doors that are set up as a "residence" by managers, Latch App users are provided a single doorcode specific to that door (and unique to each user). This 7-digit doorcode is randomly generated to ensure security. Once the door has been unlocked by the resident via the Latch App (or a manual door update has been performed), the doorcode will work until the user has been removed and the door has been updated

Communal Doorcodes

For doors that are set up as building entrances, communal, or service doors, Latch App users will receive a single unique doorcode for these doors. That said, no two users at the same property will ever be assigned the same communal doorcode. Doors that are connected such as wifi or ethernet connected Latch R's will automatically have the doorcode updated and should work within a few minutes of the user being added. If communal doors are not internet connected, a door updated is necessary to sync your doorcodes to that door. 



Can I change my doorcode?

If you would only like to change your residence Doorcodes, you can now do so directly from your Latch App in iOS or Android:

  1. Open your Latch App.
  2. Navigate to the section My Spaces and locate the residence door you want to modify he doorcodes for and tap on the door's name. Alternatively, navigate to the Main Menu (sandwich bars on the top left corner of your App) and then to My Doorcodes.
  3. Tap on the options button on the far right of the Doorcode section.
  4. Tap on Reset my Doorcode and confirm.  

If you would like to change your communal Doorcodes, please reach out to your property management team or host and ask them to revoke all of your current access and then re-grant it, as this will generate a new Doorcode(s) for your account (this will also update your residence Doorcodes).

Please note that to ensure that the prior Doorcode(s) is no longer valid on any non-internet connected Latch devices (such as the one on an apartment unit door), a door update must be performed once you are re-invited to access your doors with the Latch App to remove the old doorcode from your door.

Latch Keycard

Latch Keycard is a physical credential to work across any door in any building you have access. It leverages a secure process -- similar to setting up a credit card, and is easy to set up and use.

Activating a Latch Keycard

If your property management team has not activated your Latch keycard, or you have Latch access across multiple properties (or have both Guest and Resident access to the same property), you can activate the keycard by following the below steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Select 'Activate'
  3. Enter the serial number printed on the Keycard
  4. Enter your Latch email (that you login into the app with)
  5. Open your email and press 'activate'
  6. Follow the instructions to add Keycard to your doors.

Performing an Unlock with a Latch Keycard

Tap the Latch device lens to wake the device and present your Keycard.

Deactivating a Latch Keycard

You can easily deactivate your keycard if it's lost, stolen, or you no longer need it.

  1. Go to
  2. Select 'Deactivate'
  3. Enter your Latch email address (that you use to login to the app)
  4. Check your email and confirm the deactivation
  5. Your property management will be informed to update your device to ensure the Keycard no longer works, but you can also update your device using the Latch App.

How do I get a Latch Keycard?

Contact your property manager for your building's policy on Keycard.

Can I have more than one Keycard?

You can only have one active keycard at any one time. 

Mechanical Key

Certain devices are compatible with mechanical keys. If you don't manage your own Latch device, please check with your property management team for additional questions on mechanical keys.


Android Users: Near Field Communication (NFC) Unlock

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a specialized protocol for objects to communicate with one another. It works within a few inches, making it a particularly reliable and fast way to unlock Latch locks. It is also the protocol used for things like Latch Keycard, Apple and Google Pay, and everyday key fobs.

How do I enable NFC unlock for my Android phone?

If you are using the latest version of the Latch App for Android, NFC is automatically turned on. Please note, your phone will only use NFC if the lock you're trying to unlock is running the latest firmware version. If the lock does not have a supported firmware version, the Android Latch App will default to Bluetooth unlock.

Why is NFC available on Android but not iOS?

Unfortunately, Apple does not currently allow NFC to be used to unlock doors. We’re continuing to work hard to make this feature available for Latch iOS users.

Can I turn off NFC?

You can turn off NFC under Settings. Once off, your Latch App will use Bluetooth to unlock your door.

What is unlock from background?

Using NFC, you may be able to unlock your door without unlocking your phone or opening the Latch App. To do so, you must have the latest version of the Latch App for Android and your Latch devices must be running a specific firmware version. You can opt-in to unlock from background in Settings.

What if my phone gets lost or stolen and unlock from background is enabled?

Depending on your device and the version of the Android operating system, you may be able to remotely wipe and restore your Android phone. Please check with your device manufacturer and Google’s Android support.

iOS Users: Unlock with Siri, Latch App for Apple Watch, and the Latch Widget

Unlock with Siri

At common area or entrance doors, iOS users can use Siri to perform an unlock. To do so, navigate to your Spaces/Door List, tap on any door, and select “Add to Siri.” Next, you will be asked to choose a phrase that you will use as a voice command with Siri. You can use the suggested phrase or create your own. To unlock with Siri, simply say “Hey Siri,” followed by your chosen phrase as you approach your lock. Note: Unlock with Siri is only available at common area or entrance doors, and is not available at private unit doors. 

Latch App for Apple Watch

The Latch App for Apple Watch is a hands-free and phone-free way to unlock your Latch devices. For instructions on how to set up and use the Latch App for Apple Watch, check out this article.


iOS Widget

Latch has three different iOS widgets available: the Lock Screen, Concierge, and Access widget. Each widget is designed to allow users to utilize their preferred Latch services and experiences with ease. For information on how to set up widgets, please see this article from Apple.

Access Widget

The Access widget comes in two different sizes (medium and large) and allows you to place a widget on your home screen with your preferred doors. Once the Access Widget is set up, selecting a door will open the Latch App and initiate an unlock. With the Home Screen Access Widget, you are able to unlock your doors more quickly and set up pathways of your preferred doors that you utilize on a regular basis. The medium widget allows you to have up to four doors selected, and the large widget allows you to have up to ten doors. You can configure which devices are in the widget by navigating to your Latch App, selecting the menu on the top left-hand side, and selecting "widget."

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Lock Screen Widget

The Lock Screen widget allows iOS users to place a widget on their customized lock screen. For information on how to add a Lock Screen widget please see this article from Apple.


The Lock Screen widget allows you to press the widget and open the Latch App directly from your lock screen. You will need to ensure your phone is unlocked with FaceID or your personal PIN in order to navigate. While an unlock does not initiate immediately upon the app opening, you can proceed to use Hold Near to Unlock to immediately start unlocking your doors.

Concierge Widget

The Concierge Widget puts additional Latch services directly on your Home Screen. This widget smartly updates to put the best Latch services that are available to you on your screen. Services that are available are in some cases decided by the building you live in, and your eligibility for specific pilots. By pressing on any of these services in the Concierge widget, it will bring you to that service directly in the Latch App. The hierarchy in which services are displayed cannot be customized at this time).


* Whether certain unlock options, such as doorcodes, mechanical keys, and keycards, are available depends on policies put in place at the property level. For questions about the availability of these unlock options at your property, please contact your property management. If you are managing your own Latch device and have questions about these options, please reach out to Latch Support at

Setting up and using the Latch App for Apple Watch

The Latch App for Apple Watch is a hands-free and phone-free way to unlock your Latch devices.

Downloading the Latch App for Apple Watch and Logging In

The Latch App for Apple Watch is fully supported on Apple Watch Series 2 and newer. It is available to download from the App Store on your Apple Watch. If you have auto-install selected on your mobile device, you can also update to the latest mobile version of the Latch App in the iOS App Store, and the Watch App should automatically install. 

To log in, once connected to Wi-Fi, the Latch App for Apple Watch will automatically log in using your credentials from your mobile device (if the Latch App is installed on your mobile device). Your mobile device must be in the vicinity of your watch to auto-login, or you can enter your email and password in the app to log in.

Note: All watches require watchOS 6 or newer to operate. While Bluetooth unlock is not currently supported on the Apple Watch Series 1, you may still access your personal doorcodes. 

Unlocking with the Latch App for Apple Watch

To perform an unlock, simply wake your Latch Device and unlock your Apple Watch, then hold your watch next to the Latch Lens to initiate an unlock. You can also scroll down in the app to quickly access your personal doorcodes.


Apple Pay is launching on my Apple Watch during unlocks

Due to a feature introduced by Apple since watchOS 10, Apple Pay may pop up when your Apple Watch is close to an NFC reader, like your Latch Device. 

To address this, try keeping your Apple Watch slightly further away from the lock or let the unlocking process proceed while the Apple Wallet interface is displayed. This should help you avoid any interference.

We're closely monitoring the situation and eagerly awaiting any updates from Apple. For any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Locking your Door

Latch C

To lock Latch C, simply tap the center of the black circle to lock.

Latch C2

To lock Latch C2, simply turn the thumb turn towards the door frame.

Latch M

Latch M automatically locks 10 seconds after unlocking.

E-Genius Powered by Latch

E-Genius devices auto-lock after 10 seconds (without engaging the deadbolt) but you can engage the deadbolt by pulling up on the handle for added security.

Latch R

Latch R automatically locks after 5 seconds or 10 seconds depending on how it's configured at your property.

Viewing your History

If you are a resident of a building your access history is available in your Latch App. To view your history, open the Latch App and select the menu (three lines in the top left-hand side). From there, select ‘History’ and choose the door where you’d like to view your history. 

In the Latch App, you can expect to see the following activity at your private unit door:

  • Your activity
  • Your guests’ activity
  • Failed Access attempts
  • Failed/Incorrect Doorcode attempts
  • Activity by accounts with property management permissions 
  • If you have an M Device, you can also expect to see logs of Mechanical Key usage, though they won’t be attributed to a user.

In the Latch App, you can expect to see the following activity at communal doors: 

  • Your activity
  • Your guests’ activity 


While we strive to capture all access events, in limited instances, we may experience unintentional loss of access event data that is associated with the operation of our products. Such expected access event data loss may limit your ability to view certain access events.

Note: After a manual door update is performed on your Latch device, the access history within your Latch App will include the last 100 logs. If you would like to see access history for older events, please reach out to your property manager.

Latch Intercom and Changing your Settings

The Latch Intercom provides users with the ability to receive calls and let guests in, even if the resident is away from the property.

How do I receive calls from the Latch Intercom? Can I change how I receive calls?

To receive intercom calls, your property manager must set you up using either an email address or phone number. You can then receive intercom calls via the Latch App or via phone call and can change your settings for doing so within the Latch App. If, after running through these steps, you do not see the Latch Intercom added to a door in your building, please update your Latch App to the latest version.

To modify the way you receive Latch Intercom calls, navigate to your settings in the Latch App. Tap ‘Intercom Settings’ and then ‘Call Settings.’

Can I let visitors in remotely with the Latch Intercom?

Yes, there are three ways to let a visitor in remotely:

  • If you are receiving intercom calls via phone call, tap the number ‘9’ when you are ready to let your visitor into the building. 
  • If you are receiving intercom calls via the Latch App, tap ‘Latch App’ during your call, and then tap ‘Unlock.’
  • As an alternative to an intercom call, you can scroll through the list of doors in the Latch App, find the door the intercom is located at (it will say 'Paired to intercom' in grey text below the door name), and press the blue 'Unlock' button. 

Can I hide myself from the Intercom directory? Can I change my display name?

Yes, to be hidden in the Intercom directory, navigate to your settings in the Latch App and toggle off ‘Show in Intercom’ to stop displaying your name in the directory.

To modify your intercom display name, navigate to your settings in the Latch App. Tap ‘Intercom Settings’ and then ‘Display Name.’ You can select between ‘Default Name’ and ‘Custom.’ ‘Default Name’ displays the name as [First Name] [Last Initial]. For example, John Smith will appear as ‘John S.’

If you choose ‘Custom,’ you can choose any name you’d like, including names with emojis.

Booking Spaces or Resources with the Latch App

If your property has bookable resources/spaces (such as Conference Room, Grill, Pool Table, etc.) throughout a building, residents can book them conveniently through the Latch App. 

Bookings can be found in the Latch App by selecting 'Concierge' in the top right-hand corner. If you've already booked a resource/space, you'll see it on the bookings landing page, and selecting each booking will open up the reservation card with additional information for your upcoming booking. Bookings can be canceled from this page.



To browse available resources/spaces and create a new booking, tap on “Add new booking" to see bookable resources and spaces within your property(s). Next, select a bookable resource or space to open the schedule of available time slots that can be reserved for that resource. Finally, select 'Book' to confirm your booking.

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Latch Concierge Pro (Latch Delivery Assistant) and the Latch App

Latch Concierge Pro (formerly Latch Delivery Assistant) provides properties with a 24/7 personalized, virtual doorman and access solutions for deliveries. Latch Concierge Pro facilitates access for your trusted delivery personnel and alerts you via text or phone notification when you have a package waiting. 

How does it work?

Latch Concierge Pro connects your Latch Intercom and associated door with trained service representatives. Upon arriving at your property, the package courier will use your Latch Intercom to contact our Virtual Doorman, who will verify the caller's identity. If approved, our Virtual Doorman grants the caller access and, if a Latch Camera is installed, monitors the package drop off in the package room. Once your delivery is complete, Latch sends you a notification so you can retrieve the package at your convenience. We use a highly-trained security operations firm with over a decade of experience to monitor your building.

I'm not getting text notifications for package deliveries or need to change the phone number used for my notifications.

Please verify the phone number associated with your Latch account. For additional help, or if you need to update your phone number, contact your Property Manager.

Can I get notifications to more than one phone number?

Notifications are sent to the phone associated with your Latch account. At this time, only one phone number can be associated with a Latch account.

I can’t open the package room - what can I do?

If you're not able to perform an unlock at the package room door with the Latch App, your doorcode, or Latch Keycard (if you have one), we recommend reaching out to your property management team for assistance.

I received a delivery notification, but when I checked the package room there was no package - what can I do?

If you received a notification and did not have a package waiting for you, please verify the tracking and shipping information from your courier to confirm that the details match your delivery notification date. If you cannot locate your package, please reach out to your Property Manager to see if they have additional information. If you’re still unable to locate your package, consider filing a claim with the courier responsible for delivering your package.


Smart Home Devices in the Latch App

How do I see my Smart Home devices in the Latch App?

If your property has installed Smart Devices in conjunction with Latch, you can see any of your Smart Home devices, such as thermostats, light switches, and leak detectors, by clicking the 'View Smart Devices' link below your private residence door in the Latch App.

To view your Smart Home devices:

  1. Open the Latch App on your iOS or Android smartphone. 
  2. Swipe up on the My Devices tab.
  3. Locate your private residence door by scrolling through the list. Alternatively, you can tap in the search bar and locate your unit door by name.
  4. Click on the blue text that reads View smart devices.
  5. You will then see a list of all Smart Devices currently associated with your unit.

How do I check if my Smart Devices are connected to the internet?

You can check the internet connectivity status of your Smart Home devices by viewing them in the Latch App. After tapping on View Smart Devices, you will see a list of the devices associated with your unit. Under each of your devices, there will be a brief status message that lets you know if the device is Connected, Disconnected, or in another state. 

If a device is displaying in the Latch App with a Disconnected or Tap to Connect status, it is not connected to the internet. 

Can I manage my Smart Devices remotely?

When logged into your Latch account on a smartphone with a reliable internet connection, you can manage all of your Smart Home devices remotely from any location. 

Thermostats: You can change the temperature and mode as well as view the current temperature and internet connectivity status.

Light Switches: You can turn your lights on and off, view the current lighting status, and check the connectivity status of the switch.  

Leak Detectors: You can view the connectivity status of the leak detector, receive notifications if a new leak is detected, and view a history of previously detected leaks.

Hubs: There are no settings that you need to control as a resident. However, you can view device details and the current connectivity status of the hub.

How do I connect a Nest Device to a Google Account?

For these instructions, check out this article in the troubleshooting section. 

How do I connect a Honeywell thermostat to WiFi?

For these instructions, check out this article in the troubleshooting section.